Quest:Sauron's Presence Upon Parth Daenath

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Sauron's Presence Upon Parth Daenath
Level 122
Type Solo
Starts with Durin IV
Starts at Echad-in-Edhil
Start Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [95.9S, 127.9W]
Ends with Durin IV
Ends at Echad-in-Edhil
End Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [95.9S, 127.9W]
Quest Chain Mordor Besieged: Arandor
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'What an insult! Can you believe this? The banners of the Dark Lord still stand upon the Corpse-fields! Rip them down before my dwarves see them!'


Heraldry of Sauron still waves in the winds throughout the Kingslands of Parth Daenath.

Objective 1

Heraldry of Sauron can be found in Parth Daenath.

You should destroy any heraldry of Sauron that you find in Parth Daenath.

Objective 2

Durin IV can be found at Echad-in-Edhil.

You should talk to Durin IV.

Durin IV: 'Well done! I no longer see the vile banner of Sauron, and the spirits of my dwarves will not be lowered by seeing the ugly things. Khazâd ai-mênu!'